Vol. II, Treaties    

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1904.

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Sept. 3, 1823. | Unratified. | Indian Office Compilation of Treaties, 1837, p. 305.

Page Images: 1033 | 1034

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At a treaty held under the authority of the United States at Moscow, in the county of Livingston, in the State of New York, between the sachems, chiefs, and warriors of the Seneka nation of Indians in behalf of said nation, and John Greig and Henery B. Gibson of Canandaigua in the county of Ontario; in the presence of Charles Carroll, esquire, commissioner appointed by the United States for holding said treaty, and of Nathaniel Gorham, esquire, superintendent, in behalf of the State of Massachusetts.

Know all men by these presents, that the said sachems, chiefs, and warriors, for and in consideration of the sum of four thousand two hundred and eighty-six dollars, lawful money of the United States, to them in hand paid by the said John Greig and Henry B. Gibson, at or immediately before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released, quit claimed and confirmed unto the said John Greig and Henry B. Gibson, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, release, quit claim, and confirm, unto the said John Greig and Henry B. Gibson, their heirs and assigns, forever, all that tract, piece or parcel of land commonly called and known by the name of the Gordeau reservation, situate, lying and being in the counties of Livingston and Genesee, in the State of New York, bounded as follows, that is to say: Beginning at the mouth of Steep Hill creek, thence due east, until it strikes the Old Path, thence south until a due west line will intersect with certain steep rocks on the west side of Genesee river, thence extending due west, due north, and due east, until it strikes the first mentioned bound, enclosing as much land on the west side as on the east side of the river, and containing according to the survey and measurement made of the same by Augustus Porter, surveyor, seventeen thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven 137-160 acres, be the same more or less: excepting nevertheless, and always reserving out of this grant and conveyance, twelve hundred and eighty acres of land, bounded as follows, that is to say; on the east by Genesee river, on the south by a line running due west from the centre of the Big Slide so called, on the north by a line parallel to the south line and two miles distant therefrom, and on the west by a line running due north and south, and at such a distance from the river as to include the said quantity of twelve hundred and eighty acres and no more; which said twelve hundred and eighty acres are fully and clearly understood, to remain the property of the said parties of the first part, and their nation, in as full and ample a manner, as if these presents had not been executed: together with all and singular the rights, privileges, hereditaments, and appurtenances, to the said hereby granted premises belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, and interest, whatsoever, of them the said parties of the first part, and of their nation, of, in, and to, the said tract of land above described, except as is above excepted. To have and to hold all and singular the above granted premises with the appurtenances, unto the said John Greig and Henry B. Gibson, their heirs and assigns, to the sole and only proper use, benefit, and behoof, of the said John Greig and Henry B. Gibson, their heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto, and to three other instruments of the same tenor and date, one to remain with the United States, one to remain with the State of Massachusetts, one to remain with the Senaka nation of Indians, and one to remain with the said John Greig and Henry B. Gibson, interchangeably

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set their hands and seals, the third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.

Saquiungarluchta, or Young King, his x mark. [L. S.]

Karlundawana, or Pollard, his x mark. [L. S.]

Sagouata, or Red Jacket, his x mark. [L. S.]

Tishkaaga, or Little Billy, his x mark. [L. S.]

Tywaneash, or Black Snake, his x mark. [L. S.]

Kahalsta, or Strong, his x mark. [L. S.]

Chequinduchque, or Little Beard, his x mark. [L. S.]

Tuyongo, or Seneka White, his x mark. [L. S.]

Onondaki, or Destroy Town, his x mark. [L. S.]

Lunuchshewa, or War Chief, his x mark. [L. S.]

Genuchsckada, or Stevenson, his x mark. [L. S.]

Mary Jamieson, her x mark. [L. S.]

Talwinaha, or Little Johnson, his x mark. [L. S.]

Atachsagu, or John Big Tree, his x mark. [L. S.]

Teskaiy, or John Pierce, his x mark. [L. S.]

Teaslaegee, or Charles Cornplanter, his x mark. [L. S.]

Teoncukaweh, or Bob Stevens, his x mark. [L. S.]

Checanadughtwo, or Little Beard, his mark. [L. S.]

Canada, his x mark. [L. S.]

Sealed and delivered in the presence of

Nat. W. Howell.

Jasper Parrish.

Ch. Carroll.

Horatio Jones.

Done at a treaty held with the sachems, chiefs, and warriors of the Seneka nation of Indians at Moscow, in the country of Livingston and State of New York, on the third day of September, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, under the authority of the United States. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year aforesaid, by virtue of a commission issued under the seal of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, bearing date the 31st day of August, A. D. 1815, pursuant to a resolution of the legislature of the said commonwealth, passed the eleventh day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one.

N. Gorham, Superintendent.

I have attended a treaty of the Seneka nation of Indians held at Moscow in the county of Livingston and State of New York, on the third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, when the within instrument was duly executed in my presence, by the sachems, chiefs, and warriors of the said nation, being fairly and properly understood and transacted by all the parties of Indians concerned, and declared to be done to their full satisfaction. I do therefore certify and approve the same.

Ch. Carroll, Commissioner.

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